Shower or take a bath at night, instead of in the morning. That way, you can save time.

Start deciding the night before what to wear the next day. Leave everything you normally need to get ready in the morning out and ready. Also, decide how you will have your hair.

Set up the coffee or tea machine, decide on tomorrow's breakfast.

If you take a lunch or snack with you to work or elsewhere - prepare and pack it the night before. You will make wiser (healthier, tastier, cheaper) choices preparing in advance.

Pack your work/school bag the night before. If running errands, have your bag ready with shopping lists, library books, borrowed videos, etc.

Brush your teeth. If you need to shave, shave the night before (not only will this save you time, but it will avoid irritation).

Get dressed and ready to go. Make your bed and you're done in this room.

Eat breakfast and then maybe do a quick exercise it will wake up your mind for school/work and get your blood pumping .

    Preparation is key!

    Do what you can before bed so that your morning is not so hectic.

    Have umbrellas, coats, gloves & hats by the door in a basket for easy access.

    Keep wallet, purses, keys by the door in a basket or bowl.

    Pack your briefcase or travel tote before bed and put close to the door.

    Write down your routine and you won't forget how to save time in the morning.

    Consider showering at night.

    Don’t stay up too late. It might make it difficult to get up in the morning. This is the Number One Reason most people say they can't get up "early," which really translates to getting up "on time." Set a bedtime for yourself by counting 8.5 hours backward from when you would like to get up, and set an egg timer or alarm if you must, telling you it is time to turn off the t.v., computer and phone, and head toward bed. Most insomnia experts agree that all electronics (phones included--talking takes energy and conversations can either excite or upset) should be off at least a full hour before bed, to reduce stimulation so you are able to wind down and fall asleep within moments of getting to bed (it is actually normal to hit the pillow and fall asleep very soon after). Putter with things you need for tomorrow and when that is done, read something light before lights out (on time). It can be done!

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