What is a Domain Name ?

A domain name can be thought of as the “address” for your website. Most domains consist of the primary name, plus a top level domain name extension such as .com, .org, or .net . For example, for Yahoo.com the name is “Yahoo” plus the top level domain name extension of .com.

For more background on domains please visit this page.

Picking and Registering a Domain

The most difficult aspect in choosing a domain name is finding a name that you like that is not already in use. The basic rules are simple (maximum length of 63 letters, no special characters such as %, &, *) but most of the obvious and attractive names have already been taken. We recommend that you go to Yahoo Domains Home Page and use their domain availability tool.

For more advice on picking a domain name please visit this page.

Domains, Web Hosting, and E-commerce

Many people do not realize that buying a domain name is only the first step in getting your website up and running. All providers also require that you also purchase a web hosting package with your domain name or provide the hosting services yourself.

90% of all web sites are hosted by shared hosting providers such as Yahoo! Web Hosting, Godaddy, or Ipowerweb. We suggest Yahoo! Web Hosting if you are considering purchasing a web hosting service. Not only do you get a free domain name (from Yahoo! Domains) when you buy a Yahoo! Web Hosting plan, but you also get 24/7 toll free phone support from one of the most trusted companies on the internet. Click here for more information about Yahoo! Web Hosting.

Furthermore, if you want to sell your goods or services online, you will either need to buy online shopping cart software like Miva or Paypal our purchase an e-commerce hosting service like Yahoo’s Merchant Solutions. We recommend Yahoo Merchant Solution because it is a turn key e-commerce solution that includes a free domain, set up consulting, and 24/7 service from an established company like Yahoo. Click here to visit Yahoo Merchant Solutions for more info.

Yahoo! Small Business

Yahoo! Domains, Yahoo! Web Hosting, and Yahoo! Merchant Solutions are all a part of Yahoo! Small Business. Yahoo! Small Business provides a suite of online services that helps you get online, advertise online, and sell online.

Yahoo Domains is the cornerstone of the Yahoo Small Business suite of domain,hosting, and e-commerce related products. Yahoo Domains has partnered with Melbourne IT, who provides the backend technology for Yahoo’s domain name registrations service. 

Welcome to the Yahoo! Domains Resource and Overview Page. As a resource to our users, we have provided a summary of the Yahoo! Domains plans, prices, and features, plus links to reviews, coupons, promo codes, and ratings. We also encourage you to submit your own feedback or questions via our Forums.

Important - To take advantage of the Yahoo! Web Hosting discount, please make sure you are not signed into any Yahoo! product before clicking the coupon link (e.g. Yahoo! Mail, My Yahoo!).

Yahoo Domains : Your A-Z Guide to Picking & Registering a Domain

Choosing the right domain name and domain name provider is the first step to creating your new website. Yahoo! Domains is one of the leading domain registrars in the world and has the backing of Yahoo!, a leading internet company. In fact, Yahoo! hosts its domains and websites on the very same servers as Yahoo.com, making it the most reliable domain and hosting provider in the industry.

In addition, Yahoo! provides domain names for as little as $1.99 per year(for new customers)and $9.95 for existing customers, with no set up fees. Other, domain providers charge as much as $35 per year and do not provide as many features or functionality as Yahoo! For example, Yahoo! Domains is one of the few companies that provides 24/7 toll free phone and email support.

Reliability and Recommendations

The biggest strength of Yahoo Domains is that it is backed by the reputation and security of Yahoo, one of the largest internet companies in the world. You do not have to worry about Yahoo going out of business and losing your domain, like you might with other lesser known domain providers.

Also, Yahoo Domains, unlike many domain providers, offers phone/email service. Yahoo Domains has very few weaknesses especially if you can take advantage of the $1.99 domain name offer.

If you are looking for a cheap,reliable, and secure domain registration company then we highly recommend Yahoo! Domains. However, Yahoo! Domains is not recommended if you need to purchase multiple domain names or you require advanced hosting features like virtual or dedicated servers.

Quick Domain How To's, Tips, & Advice

Buy Yahoo Web Hosting, get your Yahoo Domain Name for Free

Many people do not realize that you need to purchase web hosting services after you buy a domain name. We recommend that you purchase Yahoo! Web Hosting and get the domain for free, so you can start building your site immediately. We have provided below the lowest possible price on the internet for Yahoo! Web Hosting. 


    24-Hour Toll-Free Customer Service

Get answers anytime you need them from extensive online help sources and our 24-hour toll-free customer support.

    Domain Management

Set up and manage your domain with our easy-to-use control panel.

    Private Domain Registration

Help protect yourself from spammers and telemarketers with private registartion. Keep your domain contact information private. Learn more...

    Starter Web Page

Publish basic information on a placeholder web page— until you're ready to upgrade to a full web site.
View a sample.

    Domain Locking

Safeguard your domain from hijacking and unauthorized transfers with. Yahoo! Domains secures your domain for you — and only you.

    Domain Forwarding

Point your new domain name to a web site you already have with domain forwarding. This is a useful feature if you own multiple domain names.

    Complete Domain (DNS) Control

Advanced users: You can easily edit your name servers and MX,A, and CNAME records for complete control over your domain.

    Email Forwarding

Unlimited forwarding of messages sent to your new domain name into your free Yahoo! email account.

    Room to Grow

It's easy to add more services as you need them, such as email that matches your domain, a full web site, or an online store. 

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Yahoo Domains

Why Yahoo Domains